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NEW On line -Virtual Courses


In line with these uncertain times, I now offer virtual courses. All courses include 12 hours of teaching, your own copy of The Hypnobirthing Book and access to the relaxation audios by MP3 or CD. This option gives you all the benefits of having a one to one course, but from the comfort of your home without any COVID risk.

This course has exactly the same content as my face to face courses and is run over four 3 hours sessions. I am totally flexible about times and work round you and your life commitments.


Virtual Course  - £180


To enquire about my Virtual Sessions:

Phone 07946 552 474 or Email

One to One Sessions


These sessions are held in the comfort of your own home or mine depending on what works best for you. I have found it helpful for expectant mum's to be able to relax in their own space and it reduces travel during the later stages of pregnancy. It also helps for parents that already have children so they do not need to find additional childcare in the evenings. However, if you do not have the space or would prefer to come to me. I offer the course in my cosy cottage snug.


I can run the course on weekday evenings or at the weekends (3 hours each over 4 sessions); or over two full days over a weekend. Each course includes, your own copy of The Hypnobirthing Book, a parental manual with all the most revenant info taught during the course and access to the MP3 relaxation tracks to accompany the teaching.


If you are considering a home birth, having your sessions at home is very helpful for us to to consider together how you can create the most beneficial, calm and comfortable environment for your birth. But, hypnobirthing can help you in which ever birthing environment you choose; so please do not feel home birth is the preferred option for hypnobirthing.


One to One Course  - £245


To book a Private Session:

Phone 07946 552 474 or Email


Refresher Sessions


I also offer refresher sessions for women who have already used Hypnobirthing, but would like to have recap of the techniques to renew their confidence. T


Refresher Course - £150.


To book a Refresher Session:

Phone 07946 552 474 or Email



What will you learn?

  • Breathing exercises

  • Deep relaxations

  • Visualisations

  • How to release fear and build confidence

  • Comforting massage

  • How your partner can be your powerful protector and support

  • How your body is designed to give birth with efficiency and comfort

  • Knowledge and information about pregnancy and birth that you are unlikely to be told anywhere else

  • How ‘the system’ that you find yourself in works, and how to work with it to achieve the best result for you

  • A simple practice regime to support you at home

  • Understanding how the mind and body work together

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